Posts by Topic: computer

Texas bound part 1
Texas bound part 1

25 Nov 2024

Description: Ryans trip to Texas again!! What adventures did we get into over this long weekend? Did we see animals? Did we laugh? Wait was that an arcade or 2? Check this out as these and other things will be answered here! Links from the show: TimeRift Arcade FW Zoo NVGM Traintopia Comedy...

HDMI Basic and a trip
HDMI Basic and a trip

11 Nov 2024

Description: How is Ryan’s progress of his A1000 going? Rich is going on an adventure does he get lost? What did Ryan Pickup lately? Oh what special thing did Ryan get in the mail? Will there be BBQ in our future? Check out this episode to...

Germany and Oktoberfest
Germany and Oktoberfest

21 Oct 2024

Description: Rich goes to Germany on an adventure. Does he find any retro items? Does he come back alive? Ryan starts working on his Amiga 1000. Links from the show: Zeppelin Museum Phono Museum Record Shop Amiberry Listen on Apple Podcast Listen on Spotify ...

Projects bought and made
Projects bought and made

08 Oct 2024

Description: What did Rich buy now? What did Ryan make? What neat find did Ryan find locally? Rich saves what? All of these will be answered and more in this episode. Links from the show: SX64 Keyboard Internet Archive Jclpcb Pistorm Listen on Apple Podcast Listen on Spotify ...

Back to the past once again
Back to the past once again

24 Sep 2024

Description: Ryan is back to upgrading his Amiga 2000 what does he do now? Ryan picks up a new Pi where is that going to go? Rich expands his soldering skills. What does he make? Can Rich have a part of history? All of these and more in our adventures to the past once...